Are there any faults in the Parenthood??

Charitha Burri
7 min readFeb 25, 2022

Parenthood….. Is there something more beautiful than this? How strange it is, that the random news of becoming parents can drive you crazy. That mixed emotions, celebrations all around, happiness flowing like air everywhere. How instantly people connect with you even before you are born. Are there any manuals to teach your parents how to be exemplary parents? Don’t you dare? And the best part of all this is “INDIAN MOMS”. Moms are the cutest creatures everywhere across the globe, but our Indian moms are legends within themselves. How many of you agree with me? There should be movies or series solely showing the crazy stuff they do. I always wonder who told them that all the dads should be serious and inexpressive and moms should be extremely caring and loving, do they pass on some secret code across the generations or what? But for now, here we are going to talk about — “CHILDREN AND THE FAULTS OF PARENTHOOD.”

Unsplash Jordan Whitt

What are the negative impacts of Parenthood? So before going into the article further let me give a quick disclaimer:

Whatever content is written ahead solely based on the author’s knowledge, and experiences, not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

Pexels Katie E


Kids… We smile as soon as we see or hear the word. Who on the earth doesn’t love kids??? Everybody talks about how the parents love their children, their sacrifices and the respect we owe them but is this the only thing we should talk about??? How much does a child love their parents? How much admiration do children deserve? How many of you have an answer?? Nobody usually gives a thought about this right. Are there any faults in parenthood? How many of you agree with me? Parental issues, fights, how much do they affect a child’s innocent mind and turn the children bitter towards relationships??

Stop fighting in front of kids

Everyone in the universe deserves respect so as we. But, society will only concentrate on teaching the children to respect elders and forget about educating them about the respect they deserve. Why is there no SOP or protocol in place for child-rearing?? Don’t you think we are somewhere affecting the future generations knowingly or unknowingly?? We live in an environment where the ultimate focus is on what all needs one can fulfill for their children but, is that the only thing to be focused on? It is our responsibility to raise them with the utmost care and values for the rest of their lives. Is parenthood hard??

Pexels Timur Weber

I admit parents love their children more than anything else in the world. I know the sacrifices they make for the well-being of their children, and the struggles a parent phase, it takes a lifetime just to give their young ones a better life. What all a parent does are uncountable and unimaginable. I just want you to glance at the things children suffer mostly and nobody address such issues, even if someone does, nobody will take it into account.

On behalf of every child I want to tell you we love you, we love you so much more than anything else in the world. We learn the actual meaning of love from you, we initially see the world through your thoughts and perceptions so, please TEACH US THE BEST.

Pexels Ketut Subiyanto

Parental involvement in academics:

The environment where children are raised, and the surroundings make an enormous impact on the mindsets of children. Parental quarrels, relationship issues, family problems, and on and on. A recent study conducted on this topic states that parental involvement in their children’s academics drives them towards high success rates, excelling in their educational front and it directly affects the children’s mindsets, way of thinking, the way they behave, their opinion on education. And the scientists from Greenwood and Hickman 1991 stated that parental involvement has shown astonishing benefits on academic grades, well-being, attendance of the children, attitude, homework readiness, and educational aspirations. Student motivation on studies resulted from parent involvement. Grolnick has examined with younger students the kinship between parental involvement and personal causation in 1991. And the examination on relationships between the classmates and perceptions of their parents’ involvement and parental style on students’ motivation has three dimensions:

  • Control understanding
  • Perceived competence
  • Perceived autonomy
Pexels Julia M Cameron

Parenting is harder than you expect:

There are many things or situations you want to make perfect or make work, but things can never go as expected. Children these days are the smartest generations so far, they need an answer of every why you impose on them. They have grown the rebellious attitude within themselves which doesn’t need any external force. So, there are things that might annoy you at a higher level for being a parent.

  • You might hurt your kid at least once and the guilt will be unbearable.
  • Your kids will repeat your faults.
  • Kids are the reflection of their parents.
  • Along with their age and time, they become stubborn. Give me a FI if I sound correct.
  • These tiny creatures entertain by copying you
Pexels Tatiana Syrikova

How close are you with your kid:

How much time do you spend with your kids? What kind of bond do you share with your kids? How much freedom do you give your kids? How often do you support your kids? Do you motivate them when they fail? Is parenthood worth living?? I know these are hefty of questions but, also important to mention. We know technology has drastically improved these days; we have Netflix, Prime, YouTube, Hot-star, and many social media sites but, they don’t replace, the happiness of spending time with you. Pub G is good but, we would still love to play ludo with you. We know you are extremely protective of us; you don’t let us go through anything painful but, things can happen, such events find their way anyhow at least. Let us share things with you.

We know and remember that we are born from you; we share similar facial features and habits but; we do not inherit opinions. Opinions come from the situations you are in, they change, SO UNDERSTAND.

Pexels Vlada Karpovich

We know you always want the best for us, but why can’t we tell you if we don’t have any interest in them? Everything is not for everyone, even there are particular medicines for particular diseases. So, can we tell you if we do not want to marry your friend’s daughter/son? We may have huge friends circle these days, we may work hard on our passions and dreams, we understand we might disappoint you but, can you support us when we need it, actually we need it always. Parenthood is amazing and we mess it up. We know we fail; we know cannot make you proud but, WE DON’T REMAIN FAILURES. EVERYBODY IS A FAILURE BEFORE BEING SUCCESSFUL.

What is okay?

  • We admit we behave as the most senseless creatures we can take all your anger and scolds.
  • It’s okay if you cannot fulfill our every need.
  • It’s okay if you want to punish us for the stuff we do.
  • It’s okay if we do not want to be with some people.
  • It is okay if you cannot agree with our times.
  • We admit parenthood isn’t filled with only happiness all the time.

What is not okay?

  • Do not compare your kids with others, it affects their confidence.
  • Do not remain silent when a random relative insults or makes fun of your children.
  • Understand when they come up to you for help.
  • Trust your kids.
  • Don’t let society teach your kids what to do in life, let them explore.
  • Age and experiences do not always go hand in hand.
  • one let us be your support system sometimes.
  • We are angry, doesn’t mean we disrespect you.
Pexels Caleb Oquendo


All these situations or answers don’t change the fact that we love you so much just as you do. We don’t take you for granted always, and if we do so, you totally can correct us, be it 4 or 40. No matter whatever we have or accomplish, we are always in-debited and owe you so much. No matter wherever we go and whatever we do just remember “WE EXIST JUST BECAUSE OF YOU”.

Hope you enjoyed reading my article. Thank you for all your time….



Charitha Burri

Charitha is a Pharmacologist, Freelance writer, Blogger and an aspiring Novelist.